New guy from Ontario

A place for all your Diablo Rouge Questions or just a place to shoot the bull about those little Red Devils.
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New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:55 pm

Hi guys.

My name is Jesse, and I live in the Ottawa valley, Ontario. And I just got myself a little "devil"

I was wondering HOW do you tell what model it is, or where the serial number is on these frames.

This one is in very very bad shape, but I couldn't let it go, so I brought it home to be friends with my snow-bug.

I plan on restoring it as best I can. Maybe put a different motor on it. (this one is in very bad shape) Is a 4 stroke china clone engine an acceptable implant, or would it be viewed as an insult to the diablo community? I have a 9 HP electric start ready to go.

Can anyone tell me where I could find a proper hood for it, with front grill and decals perhaps something in good shape> I don't think There is very much here to work with. It looks like the handle bars were broken once, and were welded at some point. The brake system is missing and the bushings at the sprocket seems loose.

The seat is not original either i think. (what do you guys think)

Anyways, if someone could help me with identifying the model, or even year It sould help me with the restoration process.

Thanks for your time fellas,.


I'll try adding a picture or two:
1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:58 am

Alright, I didn't waist any time. I started the strip down. Here's the story:

Removed the tracks, the handle assembly and the poor old hood.

Removing the engine proved much easier than it looked, 4 bolts. (I love old technology)

I had to remove the front piece, I guess that should have had a bumper on it. ( That was also missing)
1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:07 am

The long cariage bolt holding the chain case assembly had been welded on. Anyways I managed to cut it off and removed the drive assembly, that will need looking into later on.

I was alone, so I picked up the body (what's left of it) and I got it onto a set of "saw horse stands"

OK, Now we can start to look at the underside. This poor ol "devil" is in very bad shape. Everything is loose.
1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:17 am

This is the underside where the PO obviously used too much welding. Full of bubble gum weld, and he added a piece of steel to hold the tins in place I assume.

Here we see the vibration cut holes in the tins. Nasty stuff.

Can someone PLEASE tell me, why did this PO Weld the long upper chain case carriage bold to the frame? This stuff really gets me going on a re-furbish.
1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:26 am

The Idler wheel arms are all worn down, the holes are oval, and the pins are half cut. :|

The tins are bent and dented, This is going to be a serious project. The RUST! :? Too much!

EVEN the carburator is not usable. This is what I found when I checked why it would not open, The bend is too much. How`s something like this happen :x

I guess i`m in the market for a carburator now. Anyone have one too many...
1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:40 am

Even the Ù-Joint`was bubble gum welded. This is a nightmare. Nough with this welding...

From the looks of things, I will need a lot of help with putting this ol girl back on the trails. I am seriously starting to think I took on more than i can chew. I need HELP.

Is there anyone in or near me "Renfrew, Ont." that can help with locating parts for this project? :? :? :?

Any help would be appreciated... Also. I didn't find any model number? is this normal?


1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:51 pm

Thanks to Bruce who e-mailed me with this information I now know this fella is a 1967 Diablo model 500.

I was unable to find the model number because the previous owner obviously painted over the sticker (see 2 pictures above)

I am addictivelly going over all the old posts regarding this machine, and learning so much already. I go outside and clean and come in and visit this site. (t'is addictive :o )

Anyways, I'll keep yous info'd on my progress as it goes along.

1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by Go Go Diablo » Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:28 pm

Hi Jesse,

Just wanted to assure you that people are listening. Welcome to the forum and the community of Hus Ski and Diablo Enthusiasts. This time of year, many of us are thinking more of hunting than sledding. But you have the right idea. Search around the forum and read literally dozens and dozens of posts about the 500. That is a good place to learn. If you can't find something, let us know and together, we will try and help.

Yes, it looks like you have quite a project there. You have an early model 500 versus a later model 500 which makes your job a little harder yet. For the group listening in, have we ever discussed the differences between the early model 500 and the late model 500? If that is something you care to hear, let me know and start a new post and I'll write something up for all to write their comments too.

Anyway, keep us posted Jesse.

Too many Diablos and parts to count.
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Roy Teske
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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by Roy Teske » Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:05 pm

Welcome aboard Jesse. I'm in Gatineau, Que. I also started with an early model 500. I ended up using it for parts and bought several more 502s. Bruce can supply you with many quality parts. You'll need four new cogs with hubs and bearings, good bogie assemblies, OH chaincase and go from there. Lots of people have tried different engines and set ups. Once you ride one, you'll be hooked. Good luck. Roy.

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:03 pm

Wow, Thanks guys.

I'm slowly toying away with this Diablo, but I'm afraid it's not looking good. The long of it is, this machine had already had a facelift at one point in its life, bogies were welded, body was welded, pivot pins replaced with low grade bolts and sprocket rubber is in very poor condition. I started the sandblasting, and i'm discovering several evidance that this machine has been repaired (reconditioned) at least once. Poorly, but it probably worked back then.

I am troubled by the price of the replacement parts IE: Bogies and sprockets. I may be unable to complete this project without spending a terrible ammount of money. That concerns me, as this is only the begining.

I am estimating a lot of parts on paper, and the numbers are borderline to just plain dumping this as a "parts machine" and looking for another one.
I don't know what to do.

What would yous do?


Look at these parts as I clean them:



You can see the bogie on the left already had a tab replaced at some point. If i ever save this project, I'm looking at doing that kind of repair on at least 1/2 the bogies.
1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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