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4/18/08 The Eve before the Get Together Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:19 pm
by Go Go Diablo
Hi all,

It's the evening before the drive down to Horicon for our first Diablo / Hus Ski Get Together. We are expecting between 20 and 25 people if the weather does not scare too many away. Dave is busy cooking brats and hamburgers. I've got chili and desert. Everyone else is bringing things to I suspect. Bring your own beverages if you are coming.

Regarding sleds, I'm bringing down the restored 502 and Mike N's Hus Ski 444. I'm also bringing two that are for sale on the site, one being the 502 with the bad muffler (wow, that thing barks) and the 500. The 500 is great in that as you look at it for a while, you begin to see all the subtle differences from the 502 / 503 chassis.

I'm also bringing down some parts. Tracks, skis (Diablo and Hus Ski), NOS parts, hardware, headlights, dash, and on and on. I can't fit anymore in my truck. I'm so loaded down, Mrs. Schoobytwo and my son Michael are coming down in a separate car. I'm also bringing technical packets, clutch pullers, hats and snowmobile covers if anyone is interested in those.

I'll peek in a few times between 8 and 9 if anyone is around. If I'm not here, I'm still running around getting ready for tomorrow.


Re: 4/18/08 The Eve before the Get Together Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:52 pm
by Rock
Hi all

Good luck tomorrow with your gathering.Wish I could be there with my 500.


Re: 4/18/08 The Eve before the Get Together Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:27 pm
by bottomsupduckclub
I'm done cooking brats & burgers. Wife & I just went & straightened up some more at the boathouse. It's almost ready to host a small gathering. I'm hopeing it'll be nice out so we aren't all cramped up in the garage for the day. Just took my Diablo down to the garage, it's waiting for visiters now. See you all tomorrow & if not we'll take plenty of pictures

Re: 4/18/08 The Eve before the Get Together Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:33 pm
by Go Go Diablo
Poor Diablo sitting down there all by itself. It won't be long before the whole family shows up.

Re: 4/18/08 The Eve before the Get Together Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:35 pm
by bottomsupduckclub
It's got 2 siblings to take care of it. But the family will be so much nicer. I think it will be neat to see all that old iron lined up ;)

Re: 4/18/08 The Eve before the Get Together Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:40 pm
by Go Go Diablo
Hey did you hear? I sold my restoration to Duane in Camby, Minnesota. We will have to get Duane on the forum here and I'll have to give up my picture to him and post another.

Re: 4/18/08 The Eve before the Get Together Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:42 pm
by Rock
Sad to hear that you sold that machine. Mayby you'll have another for me.

Re: 4/18/08 The Eve before the Get Together Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:47 pm
by Go Go Diablo
One never knows Rock. Lets get the Hus Ski up to you and then we will work on the next one.

I fired up my 500 tonight to get it on the trailer. Man that things runs great. Smooth. I ran Mike's Hus Ski up on the trailer too. I'm very surprised how nice that JLO sounds.

Re: 4/18/08 The Eve before the Get Together Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:50 pm
by Rock
Don't tell me that Bruce that the 500 is running great. I might just bye it from you if you don't sell it tomorrow

Re: 4/18/08 The Eve before the Get Together Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:53 pm
by Go Go Diablo
I meant the engine runs great, the rest needs work.

Ok, I'm off for the night. Gotta get some sleep and off to Horicon early in the morning. I'll try and be back on line Sunday night and hopefully get some pictures of the Get Together on the site that night too.
