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One more ride

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:28 pm
by Barrie2777
I was out riding my 200-A today. Can still go most everywhere, the odd grassy patch to cross to get to the fields but then its free riding. Spring riding sure is different. The snow is wet granular providing good lubrication for those wooden cleats. A few weeks ago I went out on my 400 but had to turn back fast as the smell of smoke was predominant. Snow condition was hard and frozen....hence no lubrication.

I just read the post about the HUS-SKI supposedly worth $5000-$6000. HA! but heres hoping, maybe I'll lock my door tonight. I have not yet seen a HUS-SKI sell for more than $3500. It was a SnowTraveller and fully restored with incorrect engine and a few other original discrepancies.

Re: One more ride

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:43 pm
by Rock
Hi all
Monday night wen't for a ride on my 500. It wen't pretty smooth. Was on for about 5 minutes then motor started to jerk. I think I have to clean my gas tank anf change my gas filter.
We still have some snow up in Kapuskasing but not for long. Monday was my last ride for this winter. Can't wait to get my 444 from Bruce. All I need is another 4 or 5 machines. One for each kids and grand kids.


Re: One more ride

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:51 pm
by Barrie2777
Rock, you sure have been hooked with these machines. Just remember that for every machine working your repair time goes up exponencially. After six years of riding my 400 since its restoration, I gave it a complete work over this spring as well as a good cleaning. It needed it. I found many small things not working.

Re: One more ride

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:49 pm
by bottomsupduckclub
Gearing up for the gathering here in Horicon. No snow to ride on for sometime now, was 70 today. Hope to meet some new friends this saturday, we'll take plenty of picture for those that can't make it. Check in later


Re: One more ride

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:56 pm
by Go Go Diablo
Hi all,

Sorry that I've been away so much. Most know I'm working on a bunch of Diablos and Hus Skis in the garage and getting ready for the weekend in Horicon. Like Dave says, we will take pictures for all you who can't make it and start planning for next year.

Take care all.


Re: One more ride

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:23 pm
by Go Go Diablo
That's why they call you the "Lucky Dog"!