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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:29 pm
by Rock
Hi all

Hope you guys are having fun with your old Hus-ski's and Diablo. I still have my 500 . Again i'm having trouble to start it. Gas won't go to carb. If i put gas in carb it will run but not for long. Put a carb kit in it last year but with no good result . Can someone take my carb and look at it and fix it Please .

I really would like to run the diablo this year with my grand kids

Take care all


Re: 12/18/11

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:33 pm
by Barrie2777
Have you checked the vacuum hose for a leak or perhaps it is competely kinked.

Re: 12/18/11

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:58 pm
by Go Go Diablo

If the carb was running fine last year and it won't pull the fuel up the hose this year, I would think your needle is stuck in the seat. Shoot a good shot of compressed air into the fuel inlet cap of the carb and it should pop it loose.

If you cannot find another resource to check out your carb, I could do it for you. You need someone who can test the pop-off pressure of the needle and seat.

Good luck my friend,


Re: 12/18/11

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:14 pm
by snocatpete
Hi Roch
Here is my two cents on things you could look at - if the fuel is not coming up to the carburetor, like Barrie says it could be a kinked vacuum hose or a hole in the vacuum hose. This vacuum hose operates your fuel pump that is in the carburetor and if it is kinked, blocked or leaking, it will not operate the fuel pump. having said that, have you tried taking the fuel line off at the carburetor and placing it lower than the fuel tank to see if fuel flows freely through that line, making sure the fuel line filter and tank exit are not blocked. If there is a blockage or restriction the fuel pump can not over come it and draw the fuel up to the carburetor.
If fuel is flowing freely and the vacuum hose is good, then the problem is inside the carburetor and I would suspect the fuel pump itself. This means you need to take the bottom end of the carburetor apart and make sure the check valves are not stuck or make sure there is not a blockage in one of the ports to these valves. If you have it open at that time, make sure the needle valve is not stuck as Bruce suggested. I would suspect a problem with the fuel pump first.
If fuel is getting to the caburetor but still won't run, then check the needle valve and idle , off idle and main jet ports and make sure they have no blockage as well. Hope this will help you out some. I just overhauled my 502 carburetor last weekend so it is fresh in my mind.

Re: 12/18/11

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:31 am
by Go Go Diablo
Good thoughts Peter - always go back to the basics :)

Re: 12/18/11

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:45 am
by Rock
Thank you all for your suggestion. Will try again this week if not will sent the carb away


Re: 12/18/11

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:22 pm
by Rock
Well today i change the vacuum hose and the motor started right away. I let it run for a few minutes and runs pretty good. Might need some carb ajustment but so far so good.

Tks all
