6/11/15 Sometimes you just have to post a chat

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Go Go Diablo
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6/11/15 Sometimes you just have to post a chat

Post by Go Go Diablo » Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:53 pm

Wow, these are the dog days of slow time on the Hus Ski /Diablo Forum. It would be so nice to have someone like Jesse rebuilding a Diablo or something so we have something to watch during these slow months. Speaking of Jesse, where the heck did you go?

As for the rest of you, I know you are watching, so chime in and give us an update on life.

Hope all is well,

Too many Diablos and parts to count.
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Re: 6/11/15 Sometimes you just have to post a chat

Post by jayvee43 » Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:00 pm

Oh! Hi there Bruce.

I don't come on here very often, but i noticed a post in June and to my surprise, i am mentioned. :oops:

I guess i taught we go on hold in the summer and resume our hobbie in the winter.

These days i have the Diablo on ice, because I really don't have much time. I leave home at 7 am and return at 6 pm Monday to Friday. On the weekends my wife Nancy and i go to the trailer. You remember me mentioning that I have a trailer at a park. My wife and I spend every weekends there. I'll post a pic of my summer "fun machine"


I guess I will resume working on my project some time this fall. I still have a lot to do. Including working the engine crank and the ski-seater.

I hope this clarified where I am these days. i am very busy in the summer. Summers are where i make my money. Winters are where I play.

I hope you're having a good summer also Bruce, and a big hello to you all that reads this.

BTW: Did Roy finish his video of our get together in Chalk-River? :?:

Talk later

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Re: 6/11/15 Sometimes you just have to post a chat

Post by Barrie2777 » Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:05 pm

Last week I played my last game of hockey for this season. My 1946 tractor has its cowling and fenders painted and reinstalled and it is ready for work this summer. Two weeks ago I attended the yanachiche snowmobile flea market. Many more hus skis are being fixed. This is always good news. The funny thing about these shows is that few people know my name they just refer to me as "mr. HUS-SKI". Another funny thing is that I brought a diablo for exhibition. Funnier still was the fact it started!! It was about five years since I drove this 502 but a little gas down the carb and it eventually ran and continued to run on the old gas. The stars must have been aligned that day.

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Re: 6/11/15 Sometimes you just have to post a chat

Post by Jano » Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:33 pm

Well for me, a lot of home refurbishing, yard and all, so real busy. The 2 machines are parked for a while and will get to them later in the fall for the usual preparation for winter. Nothing major to fix. Oh yeah, my eldest daughter is getting married on Saturday, better not forget to show up for that gig. After this week things should start to settle down so I can start enjoying the summer.
Everyone take care and hope to see many of you this winter or sooner.


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Re: 6/11/15 Sometimes you just have to post a chat

Post by Roy Teske » Wed Jun 17, 2015 6:58 pm

Hi Everyone.
Sure has been quiet on the site. Enjoyed your pictures of the ski making Barrie. I've been busy also, splitting and piling firewood and getting pictures of wildlife. Jesse, I haven't put anything together yet on Chalk River. I have some good footage of my own and some pictures you and others have sent, but I think I need to get some of the older original pictures Larry has to add in to make it special. He has some memorable photos. I'll try this summer.
Travelling on one of our snowmobile trails three weeks ago, I stumbled on these little guys at their den. Momma was nearby and quite vocal. I have it on video from 25 ft. and good audio of mom warning the pups. I set up my trail cam and hope to get more pictures. Opinions are varied on whether these are wolves or coyotes. I saw mom and she was quite large. I'll post better photos if I get some. These rare encounters keep me going back into the woods. Can't wait for winter.

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Re: 6/11/15 Sometimes you just have to post a chat

Post by snocatpete » Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:44 pm

Hi Everyone...Hope everyone is having a nice summer. I am like everyone else, super busy with all the summer stuff to do - yard work, work on the house, going to work every day. It is hard to find the time to get everything done. I am currently working on another 444 this summer between the other jobs. So far I have gotten a new set of tracks built, handlebars refurbished and next will be the engine rebuild and then finish off the rest of the body work. Hopefully I will have it ready for this upcoming winter. As I posted on the other board, I am really in need of an HL carburetor to complete this unit.
After I finish this 444, I still have two more 444s waiting to be restored as well! So no shortage of work in the hus ski department.
As I mentioned to Bruce, I am trying to fit these hus ski restorations in and around the other work I am doing as well as my K10 project. It is proving to be a very busy summer here. Bruce has given me a time line to get this all finished - I understand there is going to be a big hus ski /diablo get together in 2017!! So I had better crack on with these projects so I am ready for that.
Anyway - back to the shop - gotta keep at it. I have included some photos below.
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Re: 6/11/15 Sometimes you just have to post a chat

Post by snocatpete » Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:56 pm

Some more photos...
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Re: 6/11/15 Sometimes you just have to post a chat

Post by snocatpete » Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:02 pm

And some more photos...
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Re: 6/11/15 Sometimes you just have to post a chat

Post by snocatpete » Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:35 pm

Just thought I would post some updated progress pictures of the 444 I am working on.
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removing the flywheel, dismantling the engine to inspect internal parts and replace crankshaft bearings, seals, and all gaskets.
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Re: 6/11/15 Sometimes you just have to post a chat

Post by snocatpete » Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:41 pm

tracks and sprockets and handlebars and engine mount all reassembled
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