200a cleats

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200a cleats

Post by wallis1924 » Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:45 pm

hi i was woundering if someone could help me on a question about the steel groser that revits on the cleats iam makeing a track and on the original track iam useing for a patteren thier was peices of 3\4 channel iron about 4 and 3\4 inch long they look original they bolted in the middle of the tracks like a ice cleat not shure if i should reporduce thies or to try something else

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Re: 200a cleats

Post by Barrie2777 » Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:28 am

Those sound like original ice cleats for the 200-A. Of coarse, any ice cleat will work but if you are looking for originality then reproducing the missing ones is best.

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Re: 200a cleats

Post by huuksnatch » Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:32 am

I am also in the same situation with these things. I have 44 of them, but i am also building a track and was going to use these. So if i end up doing something differant, we can figure something out or if u use something else let me know! 10 more would be nice to have.

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Re: 200a cleats

Post by snocatpete » Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:21 am

I am considering building a new set of 200 200A tracks just to have a spare set
Just checking to see if anyone has a source four three-quarter inch C channel to fabricate new ice cleats for Husky 200 200A tracks I Have checked with all my local steel suppliers and none are able to source it
Or has someone come up with an alternative part product or solution
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Re: 200a cleats

Post by Go Go Diablo » Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:30 am

Are these metal U Channel cleats straight across the length of the legs or are they humped in the middle? For some reason, I always thought them to be humped for easier steering on hard snow.

If they are straight, wouldn't one would think this U channel to be a standard size?

Do we think they are hardened steel or just regular mild steel?

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Re: 200a cleats

Post by snocatpete » Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:26 am

To the best of my knowledge I believe it is just mild steel and a standard size. As I mentioned, it measures 3/4” wide and my problem is that my local suppliers can only get 1” wide but I do believe 3/4” is still available. I also believe it is just flat and not not humped in the middle as you thought as it lays flat against the wood cleat.
Looking in the parts manual it’s interesting that it’s actually called steel channel cleat and not cleat or ice cleat. Just an observation.
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Re: 200a cleats

Post by Barrie2777 » Fri May 08, 2020 7:19 pm

I just saw this post. I believe the cleat to be straight. If humped, it probably is from the ice cleat supporting a worn out wood cleat which caused them to bend. I just removed three sets. Some are straight, some are bent.

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