New HL carburetor
- snocatpete
- Posts:376
- Joined:Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:39 pm
Earlier this spring I was surfing around the interweb and I came across this brand new HL carburetor. It has the same throat size and venturi size as the Hus=ski carburetor however it did not have a choke shaft or choke plate. It did have the boss for the choke shaft. I ended up buying it off kijiji and thought I would give it a try on a Hus-ski. I was also able to order some other misc. parts off the same website. When I received the carb I had to carefully line bore the bosses to accept a choke shaft. Then I had to drill out the boss to accept a detent spring and ball to keep the choke in the open position. Then I could assemble the choke on it. This carb has an adjustable main jet unlike the fixed jet of a Hus=ski which should not be a problem, just have to adjust it to the proper operating parameters. Having said that, I have not yet tested it on an engine (will do this this winter) but it should work just fine as all the controls are on the same side as a Hus-ski, mounting is the same, so once I try it out I can report back and let you know how it goes.
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- snocatpete
- Posts:376
- Joined:Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:39 pm
Re: New HL carburetor
Drilling out the choke shaft bosses
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- snocatpete
- Posts:376
- Joined:Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:39 pm
Re: New HL carburetor
Ready to try it out on an engine
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Re: New HL carburetor
How did the carb work out? I need a carb for my 600 single and might try the same one if I have to buy a non original one.
- snocatpete
- Posts:376
- Joined:Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:39 pm
Re: New HL carburetor
I have not tried it yet maybe next winter !?
- snocatpete
- Posts:376
- Joined:Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:39 pm
Re: New HL carburetor
I finally got around to trying this carburetor on a Hus-Ski. The installation required one more minor modification. The mounting holes in the flange had to be elongated in order for it to fit onto the original Hus-ski JLO mounting spacer. This was simply done by using a small die grinder to adjust the holes. Once this was done it bolted on perfectly.
Once all the necessary modifications were complete I installed the new carburetor on the JLO 252 and made some adjustments to the idle stop screw and the two mixture screws and the engine was running with just a couple pulls of the starter. It idled perfectly and had great throttle response and lots of mid and top range performance so if you’re willing to spend the money on a brand new carburetor and do the necessary modifications I think this could be a good alternative to an original Hus-ski carburetor.
Once all the necessary modifications were complete I installed the new carburetor on the JLO 252 and made some adjustments to the idle stop screw and the two mixture screws and the engine was running with just a couple pulls of the starter. It idled perfectly and had great throttle response and lots of mid and top range performance so if you’re willing to spend the money on a brand new carburetor and do the necessary modifications I think this could be a good alternative to an original Hus-ski carburetor.
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- snocatpete
- Posts:376
- Joined:Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:39 pm
Re: New HL carburetor
showing the flange
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