First lets talk oil.
The first thing I ask people who inquire about a burnt piston is "What gas to oil mixture are you using?". This question often brings a variety of answers and often leads to another question - "What type of oil are you using?".
The dialog goes something like this:
Me - "What gas to oil mixture are you using?"
The befuddled fella on the other end of the phone - "50 to 1"
Me - "The manuals say 16 to 1, why are you mixing at 50 to 1"
Him - "Because I use Amsoil and the guy selling it says they run go carts with this oil in the summer at 100 to 1 without issue"
Me - "Go back to your Amsoil representative and ask him if he will pay for your new piston and cylinder!"
I'm no lubrication expert. I'm no expert in Amsoil or any other product. What works for me is to stick with something that worked back in the days. Regular 2-cycle oil for air cooled snowmobiles. Not injector oil. These Hirth motors run hot and when it gets above 30 degrees F, they run even hotter. I've been using this oil for years. It states clearly on the back that it is blended for air cooled 2-cycle snowmobiles.

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Regarding the ratio, I mix my gas to oil at 25 to 1 for regular winter driving. If running on a warmer day, richen up the mixture a bit to 20 to 1 or more. The more lubrication the better when running warm.
Too many Diablos and parts to count.
Yamaha 600 SX