New guy from Ontario

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:20 am


I am not totally disappointed. It sure doesn't look the same mess that I bought last year, anymore.


In the shop, I started on the seater. Yeah! :P


I took it around the house a few times yesterday. Were still waiting for the white stuff here. I had to negotiate around a few obstacles and I clearly discovered how difficult it is to steer on the soft grass. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Also, I made two more modifications:
1- I installed a primer where the Ignition switch would normally go. and
2- I installed an emergency shut off button where the original throttle half moon handle would go.
I feel safer with the emergency switch. i negotiate very very tight turns with buildings, and cars. I would have never been able to reach the shut off in time if something went wrong with the clutches or the throttle. or BRAKE!
I like the way it turned out, I kept it as close to the original as i could, but put in a couple of mods to suit me. :P


Now, I turn my attention to the seater. wish me luck. And Now, I have to put an order together at some point in January for the decals and nose-cone assembly.

1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:18 pm

Happy New Year everyone! :P

OK, A little update. I finally got a moment to myself. I know everyone is happy to have received the white stuff finally. Here we received at least 18 good inches. More in wind driven areas.

First thing. I just wanted to say thank you to Barrie for the ski's. They look awesome. I knew Barrie came recommended, but I tell you what, If you need ski's. Give him a call. ;) (Barrie2777)


As for myself, a week ago, I was working on the ski-seater. I started removing the 50 years old paint and rust. I was working in a tee-shirt. Can you believe the change in temp in only a few days.


I hope everyone is putting in a few miles, I am looking forward to many myself.

These next two pics, were taken this morning in front of my house. I am still running out the bugs. I must have put on a mile on my street by now. I am planning a trip to my trailer next. But for now I am happy with the way the tractor is running. Motor feels solid. Everything is coming along just fine. I'm probably taking longer than most in this refurbish, but for me it is a hobbies.


I am using the "replica seater" that came with my 500 for now since my refurbishing job is not yet finished on my original seater.

I hope everyone stays safe, and remember to keep the rubber side down. 8-)

1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by Barrie2777 » Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:38 pm

I like the "bare essentials" seater. You deserve an award of merit for what you have done to this " PROJECT" machine.

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:17 pm

Barrie2777 wrote:I like the "bare essentials" seater. You deserve an award of merit for what you have done to this " PROJECT" machine.
Thanks Barrie, It's been a challenge for sure. ;)

Well, here goes my latest update. It is getting cold outside, so I slowed down. But. I am definitely planning on Chalk River this year. I hope to have it ready for that.

I have finished removing all the "rusted paint" off of the seater parts. It was a challenge also.

I primed everything. Hung it to dry. It will need the week to harden until I can paint.


I am not going to be able to re-use the seat vinyl. I decided to order a new one.

[ Edited ]
I am gonna do Chalk River with this 500 "THIS YEAR" I have decided, I am probably gonna retire it after that and start working on my 502. The 502 has very good tins, and I am gonna make "that one" my runner. I will keep it for now. It it will not get buried or crushed in a yard. :? (like my 500, this 502 did not come with a "original" seater) If you know someone that has a 502 seater "too many" somewhere, please let me know. Otherwise, I might have to have one purolatered some time this summer. 8-) :o

Anyways, keep your tracks rubber side down.
See yous all in Chalk. Too Bad i can't make it to Clear Lake, Wi this year.

1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by Barrie2777 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:13 pm

What is that emergency shut off? Is it a kill switch "always on" until pressed?

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:11 am

Barrie2777 wrote:What is that emergency shut off? Is it a kill switch "always on" until pressed?
That is exactly what that is Barrie. I am not comfortable with the idea that I have to hold on to a brake or have to reach over the handles to turn off the engine in an emergency.

I have heard the stories of sleds "free running" down the fields, and you can tell by my picture, the long hallway and shed and cars around my "tent" work shop. I had a similar adventure. I scared myself. :o (my darn throttle was set too high) and I cranked the engine, and it ran towards my shed at the end. I had a hard time pulling the choke close - just in time. :shock:

So, I simply used the Magneto wire to the Kill switch and wired it to a Normally Open switch, Push to close.

1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:20 pm

Wow, Did I ever have a nice morning today. (Finally) ;) :) :D

Yes, I took my little devil to the trailer park. Its first official outing. It ran 100%. I am so darn excited, i will share a couple of pics with yous.

Today was not the best time to take it out, but it was my only time to shake it out well before Chalk-River. I had to go. The snow condition was horrible. Very hard. Crust from last rain, freeze, rain. And only 1 1/2 inch of loose powder snow. Very bumpy.

Here is the way the poor old devil and snow-bug looked like once I arrived to the trailer park registration office yard.

This is the way I took to go to my trailer, the road had been driven on by a truck or something big, there were rutts everywhere, and deep tire tracks. No way I was gonna follow the road. I used the beach and followed the back of most trailers and crissed crossed until I got to my trailer. I did not trust the lake. i did not go on the ice.

Finally made it to the trailer. everything is looking good. I went over the entire Diablo at that point. Everything looked good, exept i started to see a spray of oil comming out of my upper gearcase.

I have a couple of questions however. First question. What temperature are these Hirth engines supposed to run at? I did not push my engine hard. I kept my throttle to half or bellow. I still experienced what I believe to have been air lock. I had to use the primer to re-start the engine, and I could ear the fuel bubble in the carburator throat. Is that normal. Also, the cylender head was very hot. I used a bit of spit (sorry if I offend anyone) and watched it bubble on the fins just on either sides of the transfer ports. See this picture.

My second question:
1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by jayvee43 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:24 pm

My second question? I seem to be leaking oil from the upper shaft of the gearcase. Right behind the brake disk. Is that normal Bruce? Maybe I have a little too much oil in the case? what do you think? :?:



Boy, I'm happy. I spent a lot of hours in this project. I always envisioned myself going to my trailer with it. And this goal is finally happened. Wow! :D

Note to pass along. I sure will try to have my seater finished for Chalk River. This "bare minimum" seater is a little hard on the seat area. ;)

Have a cold one for me boys. :P I'm having one right now.

PS: I'm hooked now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1971 Snowbug
1967 Diablo rouge 500

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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by husskifan » Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:29 pm


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Re: New guy from Ontario

Post by Go Go Diablo » Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:47 pm

I have a couple of answers for you Jesse!

Yes, the motors run hot. And because the 500 has no louvers in the hood, all that heat stays in there when you stop. Because they run hot, it is always good to make sure your engine crankcase is sealed properly and your motor is not running lean. This is another reason I mix my gas/oil at 24:1. When I drive my Diablo 500 and I stop, I usually lift of the hood and let the heat out.

The vapor lock you described is in fact the fuel boiling in the carb. If you drive your 500 around and stop somewhere for just a few minutes, that is when it usually happens. On a warm day when you are putting around, it could happen while you are driving too. If you drove it around and then let it sit for a half hour, it would start just fine. Bolens knew early on these 500's had issues. Later serial numbers put a heat shield on to reduce the heat hitting the carb. On the 502/503, they have even more elaborate heat shields.
DSC03100.JPG (161.6KiB)Viewed 15859 times
You should also have a cover over your carb. I believe it is meant for more than just keeping a nut from falling into the cylinder. No doubt those tri-pod covers have some impact on the air going in to the carb and thus affecting the jetting or fuel mixture. I presume it was a highly engineered design and thus was set up to run with a cover.
Too many Diablos and parts to count.
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