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503 Is Alive!

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:32 pm
by tweivoda
After just over 12 months and dozens and dozens of hours of restoration the 503 left the garage under its own power. It was running a little rich so I had to do a little adjusting for a little better performance. I was careful though not to go too far. It was running like the choke was on above idle.

This was my first experience on a Diablo. The first turn through the woods was a little different but once I got the hang of anticipating the turns it actually went pretty slick. I got out in the open in a field by our house along a highway. I couldn't believe the stares and finger pointing as people went by. It was amazing. The only flaw to a great day is that I fouled a spark plug at my mother's house. I let the Diablo idle for a few minutes while I went into get her attention. As I was approaching the sled it dies in front of my eyes. Fortunately, she is only a quarter mile from home. But it sits there until I get a plug tomorrow.

Assuming its only a spark plug I should able to make Antigo this weekend. Hope to see everyone there.