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East Coast rally
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:34 pm
by BillNH
Has there ever been an East Coast gathering? If not how much interest would there be in having one? New England or Upstate NY, maybe.
Re: East Coast rally
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:04 am
by Go Go Diablo
From our Hus Ski / Diablo group, I'm not aware of any organized rallys that have been set up in the last 5 years or so. There is a small group of enthusiasts in New York that have made an effort of getting out and riding, but I've not heard from them for several years now.
The Annual Hus Ski / Diablo Gathering we have been organizing since 2008 has typically been a midwest event as that has been where the interest in attending has been the highest. However, there are plenty of enthusiasts in the eastern US and Canada that with enough interest, the annual event could be held out that way.
If you decide to organize an event, I can help get the word out.
Re: East Coast rally
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:21 pm
by Barrie2777
Tha annual Chalk River ride is scheduled for the first weekend in February. All welcome.