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7/4/08 4th of July Chat

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:20 pm
by Go Go Diablo
Hello all,

It's the USA's turn to celebrate our independence (still not sure what the Canada Day was all about). Around here, it's sunny and mid 70's to mid 80's all weekend. Beautiful weather for everyone out camping and enjoying the festivities.

For me, been working on the garage a lot lately. I've put a picture of it on my profile tab on the site. You can see my pile of Diablos and parts and the beginning of what will be the shop where I store equipment and work on Diablos. I've been doing lots of other Diablo related things lately too.

- Getting more clutch pullers made next week. The first batch made were very popular and hopefully helped people get their clutches off without busting them. There are only so many of these clutches around and the more that get broken, the more rare they become.

- I've made contact with a chrome shop near by who is working to re-chrome some pieces for what I hope are reasonable prices. I hope to get enough pieces re-chromed and have them available when people want to send me their pieces in exchange for reconditioned pieces.

- Been talking to the people over at SledStuff and trying to get a proper decal kit for the 503 and also get them to include the "Made In Canada" decal in their kits. It's slow going as they are very busy. Talking to them about making Diablo key fobs too.

- Just got the new "Hus Ski" banner made this week. I hope to get a picture on the site soon. Check back under the "Accessories" tab.

Take care all and talk again soon,
