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11/4/12 First Snow Chat!

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:46 pm
by Go Go Diablo
Hi all,

On my way up into Michigan today to pick up some Diablo parts, I came across an area with about 4" of snow. Needless to say, I was excited to see that. Not long now and we will be riding!

On other thoughts, it's that time of year when we start to think about our Annual Hus Ski / Diablo Get Together. I'll be looking for volunteers to host an event, so please start thinking of options. We would be looking for a place where a trail ride is possible without registering sleds. In conjunction with an event works well, but it's not entirely necessary. Many years, the event has been held in the midwest US, but it can happen anywhere in the US or Canada and once we publish the options, I'll be asking for votes to decide where to have it. If you something in mind, shoot me an email at
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