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Constance Bay Run 2020

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:06 am
by Roy Teske
Thanks Mike O'Reilly and all the volunteers at the Constance Bay Legion for another phenomenal "oldsledrun". Your efforts were enjoyed by hundreds of sledders, both vintage and modern.
Jessy(500), myself(502) and Carman(503) all made the round trip, despite the warm temperatures and vapor lock issues. Jessy celebrated his birthday with a successful run and winning the 50/50 draw of over $200. .
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Larry and Rick Gendron from Chalk River Hus-ski Run fame completed the run on their 1967 and 1965 ski-doo olympics , opting to leave the hus-skis at home for this run. By all accounts, they enjoyed the day along with the huge number of riders. They also learned from Mike O'Reilly, that on this run we "don't let the truth get in the way of a good story."
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The ride on February 23rd took on a special meaning, as this was the day for Fred Fassbender's Celebration of life. Fred worked for Bolens on the development and testing of the Diablo-Rouge. Thank you Fred for sharing your memories and stories with us. My deepest condolences to family and friends. Here is a photo of Bruce and I talking to Fred last year.
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Re: Constance Bay Run 2020

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:28 am
by Roy Teske
The bright spot of the day, was the restored 1969 Snotruk developed by Fred Fassbender and John Smeaton's company Nortrac Mfg. . It was secretly restored by Gary Whyte's family members to surprise him on Sunday. Wow! All things came together to make a great day. Til next year.
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